A financial analysis of surplus dynamics for
deferred life schemes∗
Rosa Cocozza, Emilia Di Lorenzo, Albina Orlando, and Marilena Sibillo
Abstract.The paper investigates the financial dynamics of the surplus evolution in the case
of deferred life schemes, in order to evaluate both the distributable earnings and the expected
worst occurence for the portfolio surplus. The evaluation is based on a compact formulation
of the insurance surplus defined as the difference between accrued assets and present value of
relevant liabilities. Thedynamic analysis is performed by means of Monte Carlo simulations
in order to provide a year-by-year valuation. The analysis is applied to a deferred life scheme
exemplar, considering that the selected contract constitutes the basis for many life insurance
policies and pension plans. The evaluation is put into an asset and liability management deci-
sion-making context, where the relationships between profits and risks are compared in order
to evaluate the main features of the whole portfolio.
Key words:financial risk, solvency, life insurance
1 Introduction
The paper investigates the financial dynamics of surplus analysis with the final aim
of performing a breakdown of the distributable earnings. The question, put into an
asset and liability management context, is aimed at evaluating and constructing a sort
of budget of the distributable earnings, given the current information. To this aim, a
general reconstruction of the whole surplus is performed by means of an analytical
breakdown already fully developed elsewhere [1], and whose main characteristic is
the computation of a result of the portfolio, that actuaries would qualify as surplus,
accountants as income and economists as profit.
The analysis is developed with the aim of evaluating what share of each year’s
earnings can be distributed without compromising future results. This share is only a
sort of minimum level of distributed earnings which can serve as a basis for business
decisions and that can be easily updated year-by-year as market conditions modify.
Then the formal model is applied to a life annuity cohort in a stochastic context in
∗Although the paper is the result of a joint study, Sections 1, 2 and 4 are by R. Cocozza,
whilst Section 3 is by E. Di Lorenzo, A. Orlando and M. Sibillo.
M. Corazza et al. (eds.), Mathematical and Statistical Methodsfor Actuarial Sciencesand Finance
© Springer-Verlag Italia 2010