Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance

(Nora) #1

108 P. Coretto and M.L. Parrella

The Nadaraya-Watson estimator of the regression functionm(x)is given by



j= 1 Rj,p+^1 Kh(x−Xj,p)
j= 1 Kh(x−Xj,p)

, (9)

whereKh(u)=h−dK(h−^1 u)andKis ad-dimensional product kernel, as defined in
[8]. The parameterhis the bandwidth of the estimator, which regulates the smoothing
of the estimated function with respect to all regressors. We use a common bandwidth
because we assume that all the regressors have been standardised.
When applied to kernel estimators, empirical likelihood can be defined as follows.
For a givenx,letpj(x)be nonnegative weights assigned to the pairs(Xj,p,Rj,p+ 1 ),
forj= 1 ,...,S. The empirical likelihood for a smoothed version ofmγˆ(x)is defined

L{ ̃mγˆ(x)}=max


j= 1


, (10)

where the maximisation is subject to the following constraints


j= 1

pj(x)= 1 ;


j= 1






Rj,p+ 1 − ̃mγˆ(x)


= 0. (11)

As is clear from equation (11), the comparison is based on a smoothed version of the
estimated parametric functionmγˆ(x)(see [8] for a discussion), given by

m ̃γˆ(x)=


j= 1 mγˆ(Xj,p)Kh(x−Xj,p)
j= 1 Kh(x−Xj,p)

. (12)

By using Lagrange’s method, the empirical log-likelihood ratio is given by

l{ ̃mγˆ(x)}=−2log[L{ ̃mγˆ(x)}SS]. (13)

Note thatSScomes from the maximisation in (10), since the maximum is achieved

Theorem 1.Under H 0 and the assumptions A.1 in [8], we have



m ̃γˆ(x)

} d
−→χ 12. (14)

Proof (sketch).The proof of the theorem is based on the following asymptotic equiv-
alence (see [4] and [8])



m ̃γˆ(x)



(Shd)^1 /^2


mˆh(x)− ̃mγ(x)


V^1 /^2 (x;h)

] 2

, (15)

whereV(x;h)is the conditional variance ofRj,p+ 1 givenXj,p=x.Fortheorem3.4
of [2], the quantity in brackets is asymptoticallyN( 0 , 1 ). 

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