Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance

(Nora) #1

Exact and approximated option pricing in a stochastic

volatility jump-diffusion model

Fernanda D’Ippoliti, Enrico Moretto, Sara Pasquali, and Barbara Trivellato

Abstract.We propose a stochastic volatility jump-diffusion model for option pricing with
contemporaneous jumps in both spot return and volatilitydynamics. The model admits, in the
spirit of Heston, a closed-form solution for European-style options. To evaluate more complex
derivatives for which there is no explicit pricing expression, such as barrier options, a numerical
methodology, based on an “exact algorithm” proposed by Broadie and Kaya, is applied. This
technique is called exact as no discretisation of dynamics is required. We end up testing the
goodness of our methodology using, as real data, prices and implied volatilities from the DJ
Euro Stoxx 50 market and providing some numerical results for barrier options and their Greeks.

Key words:stochastic volatility jump-diffusion models, barrier option pricing, rejection sam-

1 Introduction

In recent years, many authors have tried to overcome the Heston setting [11]. This
is due to the fact that the ability of stochastic volatility models to price short-time
options is limited [1, 14]. In [2], the author added (proportional) log-normal jumps to
the dynamics of spot returns in the Heston model (see [10] for log-uniform jumps) and
extended the Fourier inversion option pricing methodology of [11, 15] for European
and American options. This further improvement has not been sufficient to capture
the rapid increase of volatility experienced in financial markets. One documented
example of this feature is given by the market stress of Fall 1987, when the volatility
jumped up from roughly 20 % to over 50 %. To fill this gap, the introduction of jumps in
volatility has been considered the natural evolution of the existing diffusive stochastic
volatility models with jumps in returns. In [9], the authors recognised that “although
the motivation for jumps in volatility was to improve on the dynamics of volatility, the
results indicate that jumps in volatility also have an important cross-sectional impact
on option prices”.
In this context, we formulate a stochastic volatility jump-diffusion model that, in
the spirit of Heston, admits a closed-form solution for European-style options. The
evolution of the underlying asset is driven by a stochastic differential equation with

M. Corazza et al. (eds.), Mathematical and Statistical Methodsfor Actuarial Sciencesand Finance
© Springer-Verlag Italia 2010

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