A skewed GARCH-type model for multivariate
financial time series
Cinzia Franceschini and Nicola Loperfido
Abstract.Skewness of a random vector can be evaluated via its third cumulant, i.e., a ma-
trix whose elements are central moments of order three. In the general case, modelling third
cumulants might require a large number of parameters, which can be substantially reduced if
skew-normality of theunderlying distribution is assumed. We propose a multivariate GARCH
model with constant conditional correlations and multivariate skew-normal random shocks.
The application deals with multivariate financial time series whose skewness is significantly
negative, according to the sign test for symmetry.
Key words:financial returns, skew-normal distribution, third cumulant
1 Introduction
Observed financial returns are often negatively skewed, i.e., the third central moment
is negative. This empirical finding is discussed in [3]. [7] conjectures that negative
skewness originates from asymmetric behaviour of financial markets with respect
to relevant news. [6] conclude that \Skewness should be taken intoaccount in the
estimation of stock returns".
Skewness of financial returns has been modelled in several ways. [12] reviews
previous literature on this topic. [5] models skewness as a direct consequence of the
feedback effect. [4] generalises the model to the multivariate case.
All the above authors deal with scalar measures of skewness, even when they
model multivariate returns. In this paper, we measure skewness of a random vector
using a matrix containing all its central moments of order three. More precisely, we
measure and model skewness of a random vector using its third cumulant and the
multivariate skew-normal distribution [2], respectively. It is structured as follows.
Sections 2 and 3 recall the definition and some basic properties of the multivariate
third moment and the multivariate skew-normal distribution. Section 4 introduces a
multivariate GARCH-type model with skew-normal errors. Section 5 introduces a
negatively skewed financial dataset. Section 6 applies the sign test for symmetry to
the same dataset. Section 7 contains some concluding remarks.
M. Corazza et al. (eds.), Mathematical and Statistical Methodsfor Actuarial Sciencesand Finance
© Springer-Verlag Italia 2010