200 E. Luciano and P. Semeraro
Ta b le 3 .Distances between the Gaussian and empirical copula for calibratedα-VG price
processes, over different stock indices and over timet(expressed in years)
Pair 0.1 1 10 100
S&P/Nasdaq 0.015 0.0098 0.0098 0.0097
S&P/CAC 40 0.022 0.0098 0.0097 0.0097
S&P/FTSE 0.0101 0.0085 0.0085 0.0085
S&P/Nikkei 0.037 0.0094 0.0091 0.0089
S&P/DAX 0.034 0.0092 0.0088 0.0087
S&P/Hang Seng 0.011 0.0083 0.0084 0.0084
Nasdaq/CAC 40 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 0.0094
Nasdaq/FTSE 0.010 0.0079 0.0079 0.0079
Nasdaq/Nikkei 0.0263 0.0088 0.0085 0.0083
Nasdaq/DAX 0.035 0.0092 0.0088 0.0087
Nasdaq/Hang Seng 0.010 0.0078 0.0079 0.0079
CAC 40/FTSE 0.010 0.0079 0.0079 0.0079
CAC 40/Nikkei 0.0261 0.0088 0.0085 0.0085
CAC 40/DAX 0.0273 0.0088 0.0085 0.0083
CAC 40/Hang Seng 0.010 0.0078 0.0079 0.0079
FTSE/Nikkei 0.0170 0.0078 0.0074 0.0072
FTSE/DAX 0.0165 0.0077 0.0072 0.0071
FTSE/Hang Seng 0.0097 0.0098 0.0098 0.0098
Nikkei/DAX 0.0201 0.0078 0.0074 0.0073
Nikkei/Hang Seng 0.012 0.0071 0.0071 0.0071
DAX/Hang Seng 0.0115 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069
3.4 Measures of dependence
In order to confirm our results we also compare two non-linear dependence measures
obtained simulating the copula with the corresponding ones of the Gaussian copula.
Fort= 0. 1 , 1 , 10 ,100 we computed the simulated values of Spearman’s rho,
ρ ̃S(t), and Kendall’s tau,τ( ̃t), obtained from the empirical copulas. The methodology
is described in Appendix A.
We found the analytical values of the Gaussian copula corresponding toeach pair,
by means of the relationships:
; τ=
arcsinρ. (12)
The results obtained are consistent with respect to the copula distances, as ex-
pected. They confirm the “tendency” towards Gaussian dependence astincreases.
We report below the results for the first index pair, namely S & P-Nasdaq. The others
behave in a similar way.