Fair costs of guaranteed minimum death benefit contracts 285
2.3 Main Equations
Under a chosen risk-neutral measureQ, the GMDB option fair price is thus
δT(S 0 egT−ST)+
and upon conditioning on the insured future lifetime,
δT(S 0 egT−ST)+|T=t
, (4)
which – taking into account a contractual expiry date – gives:
δT(S 0 egT−ST)+|T=t
dt. (5)
IfFTdenotes the discounted value of all fees collected up to timeT, the fair value
of the M&E charges can be written
which after conditioning also gives:
. (6)
Because the protection is only triggered by the policyholder’s death, the endoge-
nous equilibrium price of the fees is the solution in, if any, of the following equation
G()=ME(). (7)
This is the key equation of this article. To solve it we have to define the investor
account dynamics, make assumptions on the processS, and, of course, on mortality.
3 Pricing model
The zero-coupon bond is assumed to obey the following stochastic differential equa-
tion (SDE) in the risk-neutral universe:
=rtdt+σP(t,T)dWt, (8)
whereP(t,T)is the price at timetof a zero-coupon bond maturing at timeT,rtis
the instantaneous risk-free rate,σP(t,T)describes the volatility structure andWis a
standard Brownian motion.
In order to take intoaccount a dependency between the subaccount and the interest
rates, we suggest the introduction of a correlation between the diffusive part of the
subaccount process and the zero-coupon bond dynamics. The underlyingaccount