314 G. Villani
[0. 90 ,1] and so the sample size is about 440 000. We can observe that this stratified
sample can account for an improvement in efficiency of about 23.
6 Conclusions
In this paper we have shown a generalisation of the antithetic method and ana-
sampling procedure to value exchange options improving on the Monte Carlo simu-
lation. Using the delivery assetDas numeraire, we have reduced the bi-dimensionality
of evaluation to one stochastic variablePthat is the ratio between assetsVandD.
But the particular evolution of assetPrequires a new sampling procedure to concen-
trate the simulations in the range in whichPis more sensitive in order to reduce the
variance. The paper can be improved choosinga∗in order to minimise the variance of
simulation through an endogenic process. To realise this objective, a short simulation,
to estimate some optimala∗, and then thea∗-stratification, may be used.
Acknowledgement.Many thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.
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