VI Preface
solvency analysis; static and dynamic portfolio management; time series analysis;
volatility term structure; and trading systems.
Of course, the favourable outcome of this conference would not have been possible
without the precious help of our sponsors (in alphabetical order):Banca d’Italia;
Casin`o Municipale di Venezia;Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia;Istituto Veneto di
Scienze, Lettere ed Arti;Provincia di Venezia;andVENIS – Venezia Informatica e
Sistemi. We truly thank them all.
Moreover, we also express our gratitude to the members of the Scientific and the
Organising Committees, and to all the people whose collaboration contributed to the
success of the MAF2008 conference.
Finally, we would like to report that the organization of the next conference
has already begun: the MAF 2010 conference will be held in Ravello (Italy), on
the Amalfitan Coast, from April 7 to 9, 2010 (for more details visit the website We anticipate your attendance.
Venezia, August 2009 Marco Corazza and Claudio Pizzi