Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


Find the Taylor expansion, up to quadratic terms inx− 2 andy− 3 ,off(x, y)=yexpxy
about the pointx=2,y=3.

We first evaluate the required partial derivatives of the function, i.e.


=y^2 expxy ,


=expxy+xyexpxy ,

∂^2 f

=y^3 expxy ,

∂^2 f

=2xexpxy+x^2 yexpxy ,

∂^2 f

=2yexpxy+xy^2 expxy.

Using (5.18), the Taylor expansion of a two-variable function, we find

f(x, y)≈e^6


3+9(x−2) + 7(y−3)



27(x−2)^2 + 48(x−2)(y−3) + 16(y−3)^2



It will be noticed that the terms in (5.18) containing first derivatives can be

written as









f(x, y),

where both sides of this relation should be evaluated at the point (x 0 ,y 0 ). Similarly

the terms in (5.18) containing second derivatives can be written as


∂^2 f

(∆x)^2 +2

∂^2 f


∂^2 f








) 2
f(x, y),

where it is understood that the partial derivatives resulting from squaring the

expression in parentheses act only onf(x, y) and its derivatives, and not on ∆x

or ∆y; again both sides of (5.19) should be evaluated at (x 0 ,y 0 ). It can be shown

that the higher-order terms of the Taylor expansion off(x, y) can be written in

an analogous way, and that we may write the full Taylor series as

f(x, y)=








f(x, y)


x 0 ,y 0

where, as indicated, all the terms on the RHS are to be evaluated at (x 0 ,y 0 ).

The most general form of Taylor’s theorem, for a functionf(x 1 ,x 2 ,...,xn)ofn

variables, is a simple extension of the above. Although it is not necessary to do

so, we may think of thexias coordinates inn-dimensional space and write the

function asf(x), wherexis a vector from the origin to (x 1 ,x 2 ,...,xn). Taylor’s

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