Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


8.14 Determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors

The next step is to show how the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a givenN×N

matrixAare found. To do this we refer to (8.68) and as in (8.69) rewrite it as

Ax−λIx=(A−λI)x= 0. (8.85)

The slight rearrangement used here is to writexasIx,whereIis the unit matrix

of orderN. The point of doing this is immediate since (8.85) now has the form

of a homogeneous set of simultaneous equations, the theory of which will be

developed in section 8.18. What will be proved there is that the equationBx= 0

only has a non-trivial solutionxif|B|= 0. Correspondingly, therefore, we must

have in the present case that

|A−λI|= 0 , (8.86)

if there are to be non-zero solutionsxto (8.85).

Equation (8.86) is known as thecharacteristic equationforAand its LHS as

thecharacteristicorsecular determinantofA. The equation is a polynomial of

degreeNin the quantityλ.TheNroots of this equationλi,i=1, 2 ,...,N, give

the eigenvalues ofA. Corresponding to eachλithere will be a column vectorxi,

which is theith eigenvector ofAand can be found by using (8.68).

It will be observed that when (8.86) is written out as a polynomial equation in

λ, the coefficient of−λN−^1 in the equation will be simplyA 11 +A 22 +···+ANN

relative to the coefficient ofλN. As discussed in section 8.8, the quantity

is thetraceofAand, from the ordinary theory of polynomial equations, will be

equal to the sum of the roots of (8.86):



λi=TrA. (8.87)

This can be used as one check that a computation of the eigenvaluesλihas been

done correctly. Unless equation (8.87) is satisfied by a computed set of eigenvalues,

they have not been calculated correctly. However, that equation (8.87) is satisfied is

a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for a correct computation. An alternative

proof of (8.87) is given in section 8.16.

Find the eigenvalues and normalised eigenvectors of the real symmetric matrix


11 3

11 − 3

3 − 3 − 3


Using (8.86),


1 −λ 13
11 −λ − 3
3 − 3 − 3 −λ



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