Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


Using the unitarity of the matricesUandV, we find that

Axˆ−b=USSU†b−b=U(SS−I)U†b. (8.142)

The matrix (SS−I) is diagonal and thejth element on its leading diagonal is

non-zero (and equal to−1) only whensj= 0. However, thejth element of the

vectorU†bis given by the scalar product (uj)†b;ifblies in the range ofA,this

scalar product can be non-zero only ifsj= 0. Thus the RHS of (8.142) must

equal zero, and soˆxgiven by (8.141) is a solution to the equationsAx=b.We

may, however, add to this solutionanylinear combination of theN−rvectorsvi,

i=r+1,r+2,...,N, that form an orthonormal basis for the null space ofA; thus,

in general, there exists an infinity of solutions (although it is straightforward to

show that (8.141) is the solution vector of shortest length). The only way in which

the solution (8.141) can beuniqueis if the rankrequalsN, so that the matrixA

does not possess a null space; this only occurs ifAis square and non-singular.

Ifbdoes not lie in the range ofAthen the set of equationsAx=bdoes

not have a solution. Nevertheless, the vector (8.141) provides the closest possible

‘solution’ in a least-squares sense. In other words, although the vector (8.141)

does not exactly solveAx=b, it is the vector that minimises theresidual


where here the vertical lines denote the absolute value of the quantity they

contain, not the determinant. This is proved as follows.

Suppose we were to add some arbitrary vectorx′to the vectorxˆin (8.141).

This would result in the addition of the vectorb′=Ax′toAxˆ−b;b′is clearly in

the range ofAsince any part ofx′belonging to the null space ofAcontributes

nothing toAx′. We would then have



=|(SS−I)U†b+U†b′|; (8.143)

in the last line we have made use of the fact that the length of a vector is left

unchanged by the action of the unitary matrixU. Now, thejth component of the

vector (SS−I)U†bwill only be non-zero whensj= 0. However, thejth element

of the vectorU†b′is given by the scalar product (uj)†b′, which is non-zero only if

sj=0,sinceb′lies in the range ofA. Thus, as these two terms only contribute to

(8.143) for two disjoint sets ofj-values, its minimum value, asx′is varied, occurs

whenb′= 0 ; this requiresx′= 0.

Find the solution(s) to the set of simultaneous linear equationsAx=b,whereAis given
by (8.137) andb=(100)T.

To solve the set of equations, we begin by calculating the vector given in (8.141),

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