Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


19.2.2 Uncertainty principles

The next topic we explore is the quantitative consequences of a non-zero com-

mutator for two quantum (Hermitian) operators that correspond to physical


As previously noted, the expectation value in a state|ψ〉of the physical quantity

Acorresponding to the operatorAisE[A]=〈ψ|A|ψ〉. Any one measurement of

Acan only yield one of the eigenvalues ofA. But if repeated measurements could

be made on a large number of identical systems, a discrete or continuous range

of values would be obtained. It is a natural extension of normal data analysis

to measure the uncertainty in the value ofAby the observed variance in the

measured values ofA, denoted by (∆A)^2 and calculated as the average value of

(A−E[A])^2. The expected value of this variance for the state|ψ〉is given by

〈ψ|(A−E[A])^2 |ψ〉.

We now give a mathematical proof that there is a theoretical lower limit for

the product of the uncertainties in any two physical quantities, and we start by

proving a result similar to the Schwarz inequality. Let|u〉and|v〉be any two state

vectors and letλbe anyrealscalar. Then consider the vector|w〉=|u〉+λ|v〉and,

in particular, note that

0 ≤〈w|w〉=〈u|u〉+λ(〈u|v〉+〈v|u〉)+λ^2 〈v|v〉.

This is a quadratic inequality inλand therefore the quadratic equation formed

by equating the RHS to zero must have no real roots. The coefficient ofλis

(〈u|v〉+〈v|u〉)=2Re〈u|v〉and its square is thus≥0. The condition for no real

roots of the quadratic is therefore

0 ≤(〈u|v〉+〈v|u〉)^2 ≤ 4 〈u|u〉〈v|v〉. (19.36)

This result will now be applied to state vectors constructed from|ψ〉, the state

vector of the particular system for which we wish to establish a relationship be-

tween the uncertainties in the two physical variables corresponding to (Hermitian)


|u〉=(A−E[A])|ψ〉 and |v〉=i(B−E[B])|ψ〉. (19.37)


〈u|u〉=〈ψ|(A−E[A])^2 |ψ〉=(∆A)^2 ,
〈v|v〉=〈ψ|(B−E[B])^2 |ψ〉=(∆B)^2.




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