SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
An example of how stop words are ignored in a search query is the search term “the sunny beach.”
As shown in Figure 5-7, when this search term is used on Google, the word “the” is ignored (as
indicated by its solid black coloring, and lack of linking). The words “sunny beach,” then, are the
only words that are included in the search (as indicated by the blue lettering of the words and the
fact that they are links).

Some common words, called stop words, are ignored when searches are performed.

Forecasting search volumes
Once you have decided on your initial keyword list — and even after you’ve narrowed the list down
some — you need to begin looking at the budget that you’ll have for use with a PPC program. One
way to determine how much mileage you’ll get for the budget dollars that are allocated to your PPC
program is to forecast search volumes. Forecasting allows you to control your marketing expendi-
tures by predicting the performance of your keyword choices and desired positions. Simply put, for
every amount invested, a company can predict a corresponding amount in sales.

Before you get too deeply into forecasting search volumes, however, you should make a determina-
tion about what rank will work best for you. A number one rank is not always the best strategy
for everyone. You will probably need to balance the volume of your keyword costs (clicks) with

Only the linked words
are included in a search.
Stop words are not linked.


Pay-per-Click and SEO 5

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