SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
the links on your site. If those links happen to be text-based links that use your keywords, and
they lead to web sites that are relevant to the topic of your site, you’re going to score well with the
search engine crawler. The result is that you’ll appear higher in SERPs than you would if you didn’t
have relevant keywords in your text and links.

You should use care when creating anchor text links, however. If you use the wrong words, you won’t
get nearly the mileage that you need from the links. One mistake some web-site owners make is to
create web pages with the anchor text “click here.” That phrase is in no way related to the content
of the site, so when a crawler examines the anchor text, it doesn’t see relevant keywords, even if the
links are relevant to web sites that are relevant to the content of the site. Think of your anchor text
as a chance to showcase the relationships you have with related companies.

What works best is to use as many of the keywords as you can from the list of relevant keywords that
you developed during the planning process. Going back to our gourmet cooking example, if you use
an anchor text link that reads Gourmet Ingredients and links to a web site that sells gourmet foods,
a search engines sees your key phrase (Gourmet Ingredients) and it sees a link that leads to a web
site that sells gourmet ingredients. So for the effort of creating that small piece of anchor text, you
not only have a valid reason to use your keywords and phrases, but you also have a link that leads
to a relevant web site.

So if you’re adding the anchor text for Gourmet Ingredients to your web page, you must add a
piece of HTML like this in each spot where you want the anchor text to appear:

<a href=””>GourmetIngredients</a>

Then, on your web site, what the user sees is shown in Figure 6-5.

Anchor text may also be called text links.


Part II SEO Strategies

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