SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Another problem that you may run into when creating alt tags is bulleted lists that contain decorative
(graphic) bullets. One way to handle alt text for bullet images is to write the tag using an asterisk or a
dash to indicate each new bullet point like this:




Your other alternative is to use an alt tag that actually describes the graphic used for the bullet point:

Alt=”black musical note”

Alt tags, whether you’re using them in graphical links or just in place of graphics, are one way for
people who can’t see your images to understand your site. Many times, graphics play a large part in
how your site displays. But there are times when the use of alt tags is just redundant, and in those
cases, avoiding them is the best option.

URLS and File Names

The URL (Universal Resource Locator) is the literal address of your web site on the Internet. It’s the
address that site visitors type into their browser’s address bar to reach you. Or in some cases, it’s the
link those users click to find you.

Ideally, your URL should be as descriptive as possible without being long and hard to remember.
So, as you’ve learned, a URL of http://www.atopkeyword.comis much more effective than a URL of

But there is more to a URL than just the base name. For example, your site’s structure probably has
several levels of pages and files. So the base URL will then include a path to additional pages and
folders. Unfortunately, if you have a site that has hundreds of pages or dynamic content, you could
end up with a URL that looks like this:

There are a couple of problems with that URL. The first is that there’s no way visitors will remem-
ber all of it. And the second is that you’ve lost valuable keyword real estate because the URL is an
undecipherable collection of letters and numbers.

A better option with your URLs is to try to keep them as short and descriptive as possible. Say that
the preceding long URL was one that leads users to a handmade red scallop shell necklace that you


Part II SEO Strategies

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