SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
It is by no means as expensive as more traditional methods of advertising have been. If you have a
small advertising budget and think that PPC advertising is going to be the best way to maximize it,
you could be correct — if you keep up with the maintenance and ongoing efforts that are required
for keyword advertising.

However, it all starts with your PPC advertisement, so that’s where you must first concentrate on
maximizing your return on investment.

Writing Keyword Advertisement Text

Before you can even begin to write your keyword advertisement text, you should have a finalized
list — or even multiple finalized lists — of keywords selected. If you’ve used a keyword research
worksheet (like the one included in Appendix D), you can easily use this list to group your key-
words according to topic. For example, if your keywords include dayspring, spa, aromatherapy,
lavender soap, relaxing herbal wrap, and mud bath, your groups will look something like those
shown in Table 7-1.

It’s important that you keep your keywords grouped together, especially because they associate with
the different pages of your web site. It’s these words that you’ll be working with as you create your
keyword advertisement text. According to research done by major search engine companies, using
keywords in your advertisement text can increase your advertisement click-through rates by as much
as 50 percent. Keywords are important to your advertisement text, and the right keywords for the
advertisement are vitally important.

Another thing to consider before you begin to write your keyword advertisement text is what you
hope to accomplish with the text. Do you want visitors to buy something? Do you want them to call
your office for more information? Do you want them to sign up for a newsletter or some other serv-
ice? It’s important to know what you want users to do when they see the advertisement, because
you’ll use some form of this in a call to actionin the advertisement.

It helps if you clearly write down several different sentences that express what you want the visi-
tors to do. You don’t have to worry about writing the sentences in short form right now. Just get
the ideas down on paper. You can whittle away unnecessary words as you move forward with
writing the text.


Related Keyword Groups

Group 1 Group 2

Dayspring Aromatherapy
Spa Lavender soap
Mud bath Relaxing herbal wrap


Part II SEO Strategies

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