Not all PPC companies offer dayparting capabilities, but many do, and some even allow you to set
up automatic bid adjustments according to your dayparting schedules. This helps to reduce the cost
of your ads while showing them during the most effective times of the day or days of the week.
There are other reasons you might want to use dayparting aside from the savings. Some companies
use dayparting to improve the demographics to which their ads are shown. Different demographic
groups use the Internet at different times of the day. If you’re targeting teens, you might find they
are most active online between the hours of 3 p.m. and 10 p.m. If you know that, you can sched-
ule your ads to be shown more often during those times, and the result should be that more teens
see those ads.
The best way to determine the most active times for your ads is to look first at the average time on
your site metric. The average time it takes visitors to click through your ad indicates their level of
interest. For example, if you find that people who click through your ads between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
spend twice as much time on your site than those who click through at other times, you can assume
that those who come during the daytime hours are more interested in what you have to offer. As a
general rule, those who are more interested will contribute more goal conversions.
Once you’ve determined during what hours your site visitors spend the most time, you can look at
the number of visitors who come during that time and the number who result in goal conversions.
These numbers should give you a pretty clear idea of what your dayparting schedule should look
like. An example of a dayparting schedule is shown in Table 9-1.
Typical Dayparting Schedule
Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8–9 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
9–10 32.7 33.5 31.6 33.4 33.3 Short Staff Closed
10–11 31.1 38.2 35.6 39.2 36.9 Short Staff Closed
11–12 21.0 21.6 20.5 18.5 22.0 Short Staff Closed
12–1 18.6 17.2 19.4 18.4 16.5 Short Staff Closed
1–2 18.3 18.1 18.9 19.1 17.7 Short Staff Closed
2–3 45.9 39.2 41.7 49.9 43.6 Short Staff Closed
3–4 56.7 57.9 51.0 60.3 51.1 Short Staff Closed
4–5 59.9 56.7 55.3 59.7 60.4 Short Staff Closed
5–6 60.4 61.7 55.8 59.0 59.3 Short Staff Closed
6–7 18.7 23.5 19.1 18.0 17.9 Short Staff Closed
Part II SEO Strategies
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