Highlight a key feature of your product or service.Key features can be used to draw
additional clicks, and they should be better qualified clicks than if you just include the
name of a product or other more general information.
Create a sense of urgency.People are motivated by time. If you have a limited-time offer,
make sure your PPC ad makes it clear that there’s a special going on, but only for that time.
You can also create a deadline, which will motivate potential customers to click through
your ad.
Use a call to action.People won’t take action all on their own. Your PPC ads will be much
more effective if you include a call to action that gives people a reason to click through your
ad. Buyers need directions, and they want you to make as many decisions for them as possi-
ble, so if you can definitively tell customers they should take some action (like “click here,”
“act now,” or “hurry”) they’re more likely to click through your ad.
When you’re creating PPC ads, you also want to use the most active language possible. The follow-
ing two ads are for the same product, but the first is written in a weak style, using language that’s
not strong enough. The second ad improves on those factors, making the ad more effective for your
PPC campaigns.
Not great ad:
Learn about government grants. E-book provides details about grants available to you.
Better ad:
Free money from Uncle Sam! Learn how to land federal grants and free money!
The hook and the active language in the second ad make it much stronger (and therefore more
effective) than the first ad, even though they both say almost the same thing.
Don’t be afraid to play with your ad copy a little if you find your PPC ads aren’t performing as well
as you would like them to. You’ll find that changing the copy just a little can make a huge difference
The ROI of PPC
Return on Investment (ROI)is the final word on the success of many PPC campaigns. However, some-
times organizations look at ROI differently than they should. Most people associate ROI with strictly
a monetary value. In truth, however, there’s much more to it than just money.
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