SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

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can differentiate one from another in your Google Analytics reports, but the help files on the Google
Analytics web site ( can help you have your campaigns tagged in
just a short while.

My account
Keeping track of your invoices, billing information, account access, and account preferences can
be a nightmare if all that information is located in different places. But with AdWords, it’s all on the
My Account tab.

When you first open the tab, a billing summary is displayed, as shown in Figure 10-5. This sum-
mary just shows basic information about your last couple of billing cycles. For more information
or to change your billing methods, click the Billing Informationlink near the top of the page.

On this tab, there’s also a link that allows you to manage who has access to your account. This is
an especially handy feature when there are others in your organization who you would like to
have access to your AdWords account. Just be cautious when allowing others to access your
account, because once you’ve added them to your account, they have the ability to change and
delete reports, and even to delete other users, including you. Be sure that you trust anyone you
plan to add to your account.

My Account opens to a billing summary that lets you quickly see some details of your last two invoices.


Keyword Tools and Services 10

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