Even though you can’t customize Yahoo!’s reports, there’s a good selection of reports available to
you. The main report on the Reports tab is a summary. It’s another of those at-a-glance reports that
provides the most commonly accessed basic metrics. In addition to the summary report, there are
also eight other reports:
Ad Performance
Daily Performance
Keyword Performance
Performance by Geographical Location
Daily Spend Performance
URL Performance
Monthly Financial Reports
Billing Transaction Detail
The last tab, Administration, is where you’ll handle all of the “housekeeping” issues associated with
your Yahoo! Search Marketing campaign. When this page opens, you’re taken to an administrative
summary that details information about several different aspects of your Yahoo! Search Marketing
account. The information available to you includes:
Account General Information
Account Daily Spending Limits
User Administration
Billing and Payment Information
Tactic Settings
User Administration is where you’ll handle adding users from other accounts to your account, delet-
ing users from your account, and creating new user accounts. You’ll also have access to the Master
Account Userprofile, which allows you to change passwords and assign the level of administration
that master users and account users can have.
The Tactic Settings area has another set of useful capabilities. Tactic Settings are those that guide
how your PPC ad is distributed. With Yahoo! Search Marketing you have the option of allowing
sponsored searches, different types of content matching, and excluded words. These settings help
you to further target your PPC campaign for the best results possible.
There are some differences in the capabilities between Google and Yahoo! but those differences
should be easy to get used to once you begin using either of the programs. Both are designed in a way
that makes it easy to quickly orient yourself and begin using the programs. One advantage of Yahoo!
over Google, however, is that Yahoo!’s help files are less circular and much easier to understand. A
Part II SEO Strategies
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