SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
One thing you’ll notice that’s a little different in the adCenter campaign creation process is the abil-
ity to target even your first ad to specific times or days of the week. Other PPC providers may have
this service, but Microsoft’s adCenter is the only one that allows you to set up a schedule when you
create the first campaign. As you may remember from the section on dayparting in Chapter 9, this
strategy can help you better target your ads to the time periods when your click-throughs and con-
versions are likely to be the highest.

The importing capability is also unique to adCenter. Using this capability, you can import PPC ads
that you’ve created in Excel or another spreadsheet program. If the ads were not created in Excel,
you should save the file as a .csv file for importing.

Accounts & Billing
The Accounts & Billing tab is where you’ll find controls for your PPC accounts and billing infor-
mation. When you click the Accounts & Billing tab, you’re taken to an Account List page, like the
one shown in Figure 10-10. From this page you have access to three additional tabs: Company
Information, Payment Methods, and Billing.

The tabs make it obvious that you can access different information about your accounts from this
page, but there’s a much easier way to access that information. Instead of having to click a tab to
read specific information, you can simply click the account number to access all the basic informa-
tion on one page. From there you can make whatever changes need to be made, including chang-
ing billing information and canceling campaigns.

There are additional features on some of the tabs, however. For example, on the Billing tab, you
can pull up billing statements, which can’t be accessed by clicking the account number on the
Account List page.

FIGURE 10-10
The Account List page is where you can access company and billing information about your adCenter


Part II SEO Strategies

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