When you’re using an attribute from a CSS, however, it’s easy enough to incorporate it into your
web page. The following is a snippet of HTML that uses a cascading style sheet to define the heading
colors for a web page:
<TITLE>Your Web Page Title</TITLE>
H1, H2 { color: green }
<H1>First Heading</H1>
<P>Enter any text that you would
like to have appear here.
<LI>List item one.
<LI>List item two.
<LI>List item three.
<H2>First subheading</H2>
<P>Another paragraph of text can go
here. Add whatever you like.
Looking at this bit of code more closely, you see:
<HTML>This tag indicates that HTML is the language used to create this web page (were this part
of an entire web page).
<TITLE>Your Web Page Title</TITLE>indicates the title of the page.
<STYLE>This is the beginning of a CSS indicator for the style of the web page. In this case the
style applies only to the headings.
H1, H2 { color: green }is the indicator that heading styles one and two should be colored
in purple.
</STYLE>is the closing CSS indicator.
<BODY>indicates the beginning of the body text.
<H1>First Heading</H1>is the first header. In the live view of this page on the web, this head-
ing would be purple.
<P>Enter any text that you would like to have appear here.This is your first
paragraph of text.
<UL>is the opening tag for an unordered list.
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