<LI>List item oneis the first item in your list.
<LI>List item twois the next item in your list.
<LI>List item threeis the last item in your list.
</UL>is the closing tag for the unordered list.
<H2>First subheading</H2>This is the first subheading. In the live view of this page on the
Web, this heading would be purple.
<P>Another paragraph of text can go here. Add whatever you like.Again,
another paragraph of text.
</BODY>is the closing body tag. This indicates that the body text of the web page is complete.
</HTML>is the closing HTML tag, which indicates the end of the web page.
It’s not difficult to use CSS for the stylistic aspects of your web site. It does take a little time to get
used to using it, but once you do it’s easy. And, when you’re using CSS to control the style of your
site, you don’t need to use HTML tags, which means those tags will be much more efficient.
Additional HTML Tags
You’ve already seen the most important HTML tags for SEO. But there are literally dozens of such
tags that you could use on your site. Some of them are more important than others. That doesn’t
mean they will be the deciding factor on your search engine ranking. What it does mean is that if
you can include them, they’ll help.
One of the first tags you should consider using, as long as you can use it appropriately is the nofollow
tag. This tag, which is represented by <rel=”nofollow”>is an attribute that tells a search engine
crawler not to follow a certain link on your web site. For example, if you want to include an exam-
ple of a bad site (like a hacker’s site or an SEO spam site) you may want to show that link on your
web site. However, that link could reduce your search engine ranking because it’s a known bad site,
and when you include the link to it the crawler thinks you’re endorsing the site.
To save face and still have a link to your example, you can use the <nofollow>tag in the URL.
The coded URL without the tag will look like this:
<a href=”http://www.examplesite.com/”>Bad Site</a>
But when you add the tag it looks something like this:
<a href=”http://www.examplesite.com” rel=”nofollow”>Bad Site</a>
Part II SEO Strategies
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