SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1


ontent is king!” You’ve heard that phrase so many times that it proba-
bly just rolls off your mind. It shouldn’t, though, because content really
is one of the most important aspects of your web site, both from the
design and SEO aspects.

Studies show that the number-one reason people visit a web site is in search
of information. Even the buying process isn’t often accomplished in one visit.
Instead, it sometimes takes visitors four or five visits to decide to make a
purchase on your site. But it’s your content that brings them back to your
site those four or five times until they make the purchasing decision.

The loyalty factor is what content is all about. It’s easy on the Internet for users
to click to a site only to find it’s not what they’re looking for and then to click
away. But if you can target your site properly and serve up the right content,
you can create a site that draws users back time and again. And that’s when
content becomes king.

When content contributes dramatically to your customer loyalty, it’s like
royalty — to be respected, babied, and even accorded some awe. Because if
your content is terrible, there will be no return traffic on your site. Period.
You might still succeed with so-so content, but it won’t be at all easy. You
need and want the best.



How Does Web-Site Content Affect SEO?..........................................................................

Elements of Competitive Content ......................................................................................

To use or not? Duplicate content

Stay away from search
engine spam

Consider multi-lingual web sites

Content management systems

Understanding and using viral

The Content Piece

of the Puzzle

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