guaranteed that your site will not only be listed, but that it will place in a specific rank consistently
as long as you’re willing to pay the fee for that rank.
There are some other “pay-for” strategies that you might consider. Paid directory review (PDR)serv-
ices will guarantee that a review for a directory will take place in a guaranteed length of time (usu-
ally much faster than it would otherwise), but again, this is no guarantee of inclusion or placement.
XML inclusionis another story. This is a strategy to ensure that the dynamic content on your site is
included in search results. Because some sites have constantly changing content, XML inclusion
may be a requirement for them.
The different types of inclusion and what your payments will buy you can be confusing. Table 15-1
recaps some of the differences among the types of inclusion.
TABLE 15-1
Fee-Based Inclusion Services
Strategy Description Companies Cost
Paid Inclusion, Pay A strategy that requires you to pay AskJeeves, AlltheWeb, $25–$50 per year and up,
for Inclusion (PFI) a search engine to include your Yahoo!, EntireWeb depending on the service.
site in its index rankings. Where
in those rankingsis not guaranteed.
Pay-per-Inclusion A strategy that requires you to pay LookSmart, Yahoo! Flat rate set-up fee, and
(PPI), Pay for a search engine to include your then $.20–$.50 per click.
Inclusion per Click site in its index and rankings. Your
placement in those rankings is
not guaranteed.
Paid Directory Paying a directory to review your Yahoo!, AlltheWeb Flat fee, usually $30–$75
Review web site listing faster than it would but can be higher
ordinarily be reviewed. The review depending on the
usually happens in 2–4 days, but directory.
does not guarantee your inclusion
or placement.
Pay for Placement, This strategy requires that you pay AltaVista, Yahoo!, AOL Some search engines
Paid Placement, Pay for the placement of your web page Search, Windows Live charge a flat fee for setup.
per Click (PPC) in search results. This guarantees Search, Google, After the set-up fee, there
that you appear at a certain spot in FindWhat is usually a per-click fee
the results. ranging from $.05 per
click to $.50 or more per
click, depending on the
topic and position.
XML Inclusion, Used for large sites (usually with AltaVista, AlltheWeb, Usually requires a flat fee
Trusted Feed 500 pages or more), this strategy Kanoodle, Google, for setup and then a per-
allows RSS content feeds to search Yahoo! click fee of $.25 to $.50.
engines so that regularly changing Google doesn’t charge
content is indexed a fee.
Part III Optimizing Search Strategies
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