Optimization for Major Search Engines
Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines dozens of aspects of the
page’s content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it’s a good match for your query.”
In other words, a PageRank is based on a ballot system that compares your site to all the other pages
on the Web that are related. The comparison allows the algorithm to determine which pages are most
relevant to a search query based on numerous elements of the page. A hyperlink to a page counts as
a vote of support. The PageRank of a page is defined recursively, or in comparison to the other pages
that Google is also ranking, and depends on the number and PageRank metric of all pages that link to
it. A page that is linked to by many pages with high PageRank receives a high rank itself. If there are
no links to a web page, there is no support for that page.
Google assigns a numeric weighting for each web page on the Internet; this PageRank denotes your
site’s importance according to the PageRank algorithm.
For more information on Google’s PageRank algorithm, see the sidebar in Chapter 13
titled, “Understanding Google’s PageRank.”
So if you want to successfully rank on the Google search engine, you should follow the guidelines that
are laid out in Google’s Webmaster Central (http://www.google.com/intl/en/webmasters/).
There is also a set of tools available in Webmaster Central that allows you to analyze and add to your
site to help make it more Google-friendly. Those tools include the following:.
Site Status Wizard:Determines if your site is currently being indexed by Google.
Webmaster Tools: This is a set of tools designed to help you improve the indexing and
ranking of your site. You can also find the Google Sitemap Generator here.
Content Submission Tools:Use these to submit your site to Google, or to add products
to Google Base or content to Google Book Search.
Google’s Webmaster Blog:Find tips and strategies for ranking well in Google on this
blog. You’ll also find changes to the Google algorithm and other information that you’ll
need to stay on top of your site rankings.
Webmaster Discussion Groups:Talk to others about what they’re doing to improve
their Google rankings.
Webmaster Help Center:If you don’t understand something about Webmaster Central,
here’s where you’ll find an explanation.
Ultimately, if you follow the guidelines laid out in the early parts of this book, and design your
pages for people, not search engines, you’ll rank well in Google. You may need to tweak some of
the inner workings of your site — keywords, links, meta tags — and you’ll need to be patient. But
given time, your ranking with Google will occur naturally. Then all you have to do is continue
improving your offerings for customers and stay on top of maintaining your site, and you should
see your ranking climb gradually.
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