Understanding Why You Need SEO
Before you can understand the reasons for using SEO, it might be good to have a definition of what
SEO — search engine optimization — is. It’s probably a safe assumption that if you’ve picked up this
book, you have some understanding of SEO, so I’ll keep it simple.
SEO is the science of customizing elements of your web site to achieve the best possible search engine
ranking. That’s really all there is to search engine optimization. But as simple as it sounds, don’t let it
fool you. Both internal and external elements of the site affect the way it’s ranked in any given search
engine, so all of these elements should be taken into consideration. Good SEO can be very difficult to
achieve, and great SEO seems pretty well impossible at times.
But why is search engine optimization so important? Think of it this way. If you’re standing in a crowd
of a few thousand people and someone is looking for you, how will they find you? In a crowd that
size, everyone blends together.
Now suppose there is some system that separates groups of people. Maybe if you’re a woman you’re
wearing red and if you’re a man you’re wearing blue. Now anyone looking for you will have to look
through only half of the people in the crowd.
You can further narrow the group of people to be searched by adding additional differentiators until
you have a small enough group that a search querycan be executed and the desired person can be
easily found.
Your web site is much like that one person in the huge crowd. In the larger picture your site is
nearly invisible, even to the search engines that send crawlers out to catalog the Web. To get your
site noticed, even by the crawlers, certain elements must stand out. And that’s why you need
search engine optimization.
By accident your site will surely land in a search engine. And it’s likely to rank within the first few
thousand results. That’s just not good enough. Being ranked on the ninth or tenth page of search
results is tantamount to being invisible. To be noticed, your site should be ranked much higher.
Ideally you want your site to be displayed somewhere on the first three pages of results. Most people
won’t look beyond the third page, if they get even that far. The fact is, it’s the sites that fall on the
first page of results that get the most traffic, and traffic is translated into revenue, which is the ulti-
mate goal of search engine optimization.
To achieve a high position in search results, your site must be more than simply recognizable by a
search engine crawler. It must satisfy a set of criteria that not only gets the site cataloged, but can
also get it cataloged above most (if not all) of the other sites that fall into that category or topic.
Some of the criteria by which a search engine crawler determines the rank your site should have in
a set of results include:
Anchor text
Site popularity
Part I Understanding SEO
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