8 bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format A
variable-length character encoding for Unicode. It is
able to represent any character in the Unicode stan-
dard, yet the initial encoding of byte codes and char-
acter assignments for UTF8 is consistent with ASCII.
A/B TestingA method of advertising testing by
which a baseline control sample is compared to a
variety of single-variable test samples.
Ad groups A group of ads that target one set of
keywords or sites.
Adversarial search A search algorithm that looks
for all possible solutions to a problem, much like
finding all the possible solutions in a game.
Affiliate programs A method of promoting web
businesses in which an affiliate is rewarded for every
visitor, subscriber, customer, and/or sale provided
through his/her efforts.
alt attributes HTML tags that provide text as an
alternative to the graphics on a web page.
alt tagsSee alt attributes.
Analytics Measurement of web-site statistics such
as the number of visitors, where they arrived from,
and how much time they spent on a web site.
Anchor text Text that is displayed as a link instead
of the URL for the link being displayed.
Anonymous FTP A file transfer protocol that allows
a user to retrieve documents, files, programs, and
other archived data from anywhere on the Internet
without having to establish a user id and password.
By using the special user id of “anonymous,” the
network user will bypass local security checks and
will have access to publicly accessible files on the
remote system.
Automated bid management A process that uses
software to monitor and manage the amount bid on
a keyword or key phrase.
Bait and switch A deceptive method of drawing
users to a web site by providing the search engine
with a highly optimized web page, but serving the
user a different page.
Behavioral targeting A technique used by online
publishers and advertisers to increase the effective-
ness of their campaigns. The idea is to observe a
user’s online behavior anonymously and then serve
the most relevant advertisement based on their
Bid jamming Placing a keyword bid that is just
one penny below the highest bidder in an effort
to force the advertiser to consistently pay a higher
amount for the keyword.
Black-hat SEO Unethical SEO strategies.
nBlog A web site where entries are written in
chronological order and commonly displayed in
reverse chronological order.
Blogroll A list of links to other blogs or web sites
that the author of the blog regularly likes to read.
Body text The text that makes up the body, or
main section, of a web page.
Boolean search techniques Search techniques
formed by joining simple terms with “and,” “or,”
and “not” for the purpose of limiting or qualifying
the search.
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