SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Bounce The term that’s used to describe how a web-
site visitor lands on a web page and immediately
clicks away from it.

Brand keywords Keywords that are associated with
a well-known brand.

Bread-crumb trail A text-based navigation strategy
that shows where in the site hierarchy the currently
viewed web page is located and your location within
the site, while providing shortcuts to instantly jump
higher up the site hierarchy.

Broken links URLs or text-based links that do not
lead to the expected page.

Buzz The “talk” that is going around the Internet
about a product or service.

Cascading style sheet (CSS) CSS is a style-sheet
language used to describe the presentation of a
document written in a markup language. Its most
common application is to style web pages written
in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be
applied to any kind of XML document.

Click bots Software applications that run auto-
mated tasks over the Internet. Typically, bots perform
tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive,
at a much higher rate than would be possible for a
human editor alone.

Click fraud A type of Internet crime that occurs
in pay-per-click online advertising when a person,
automated script, or computer program imitates a
legitimate user of a web browser by clicking on an
ad, for the purpose of generating a cost per click
without having actual interest in the target of the
ad’s link.

Click-through rate A way of measuring the success
of an online advertising campaign. A CTR is obtained
by dividing the number of users who clicked on an
ad on a web page by the number of times the ad was

Closing tag An HTML tag that indicates that a pre-
viously executed command should stop.

Code jockey A person who is highly trained in
computer languages and writes programming code
full time.

Constraint satisfaction search The process of
finding a solution to a set of constraints. Such con-
straints express allowed values for variables. A solu-
tion is therefore an evaluation of these variables that
satisfies all constraints.

Container tags A set of HTML tags that “contains”
a full command. Usually indicated by the opening
and closing tags (that is, <b>Bold</a>).

Content management systems A software system
used for content management. Content management
systems are deployed primarily for interactive use by
a potentially large number of contributors.

Content-rich doorways Doorway pages that con-
tain lots of heavily keyword-optimized content.

Content scraping A technique in which a computer
program extracts data from the display output of
another program.

Contextual targeting The term applied to adver-
tisements appearing on web sites or other media,
such as content displayed on mobile phones, where
the advertisements are selected and served by auto-
mated systems based on the content displayed by
the user.

Cookies Parcels of text sent by a server to a
web browser and then sent back unchanged by
the browser each time it accesses that server.

Copyright infringement The unauthorized use of
material covered by copyright law, in a manner that
violates one of the original copyright owner’s exclu-
sive rights, such as the right to reproduce or per-
form the copyrighted work, or to make derivative
works that build upon it.



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