SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Cost per acquisition The amount it costs for a web
site to acquire a new visitor or customer.

Cost per click A bid, placed on a keyword adver-
tisement, that is charged each time a visitor clicks
the advertisement.

Cost per conversion The average cost of acquiring
a conversion, or goal.

Crawl Frontier The URLs that a crawler can follow
from a given point.

Crawlers Search engine programs that “crawl” from
one site to another, following the links given to them
or included in the page they’re examining.

Cross-channel tracking A feature that allows PPC
users to track their PPC programs on different com-
puters, and with different cookies.

Dangling link A link to a page that contains no
other links.

Database A collection of information stored in a
computer in a systematic way, such that a computer
program can consult it to answer questions.

Dayparting The practice of dividing the day into
several parts, during each of which a different type
of radio programming or television programming
appropriate for that time is aired.

Deep submission tool A tool that submits even
the “deep”-level pages of your site to a directory or
search engine.

Demographic targeting Targeting a specific group
of people for advertisements, based on a particular
demographic trait.

Deprecated tags Older HTML tags and attributes
that have been superseded by other more functional
or flexible alternatives.

Directory A way of organizing files and other

Domain cloaking A strategy that allows you to
redirect users to your existing web page while main-
taining your URL in the browser’s address bar.

Doorway pages Web pages created for spamdexing,
that is, for spamming the index of a search engine by
inserting results for particular phrases with the pur-
pose of sending you to a different page. They are also
known as bridge pages, portal pages, zebra pages,
jump pages, gateway pages, and entry pages.

Dynamic web pages Web pages that are created on
the fly in response to specifics that are associated
with a specific web site.

Edited directories Directories that are monitored
and edited by humans.

Entity escape Characters used to replace symbols
when the search crawler is stopped by a specific

External navigation A navigational structure that
leads users off your web site.

False Internet When traffic is redirected to another
web site, that looks and feels the same way as the
intended site, but is actually designed and created as
a method of redirecting traffic for criminal reasons.

Flash A popular authoring software developed
by Macromedia, is used to create vector graphics-
based animation programs with full-screen naviga-
tion interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple
interactivity in an anti-aliased, resizable file format
that’s small enough to stream across a normal modem

Forbidden search terms Words used in search
that are censored by search engines.

Frameset An HTML file that defines the layout
of a Web page that is composed of other, separate
HTML files.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) A common method
of moving files between two Internet sites.



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