Gadgets Small applications designed to run on a
desktop or toolbar. The applications can be any useful
“gadget,” from a clock to a note-taking application.
Generic keywords Keywords that are broad in
Geo-targeting Serving of ads to a particular geo-
graphical area or population segment.
Goal conversion Achieving a preset goal. In SEO,
a goal conversion occurs when a site visitor com-
pletes a task you have defined for him/her.
Google Analytics A web-site statistics measure-
ment program.
Google bombing An attempt to influence the
ranking of a given site in results returned by the
Google search engine.
Header tag The HTML tag that denotes the header
of a web page.
Heuristics Heuristics are rules of thumb people
follow in order to make judgments quickly and
Hidden pages Article pages that are outside the
standard navigational structure.
Hybrid directory A directory that uses both direc-
tory listings and search engine listings.
img tags An HTML tag used to define alternative
text in place of a graphic in the event the graphic
cannot be displayed.
Impressions The number of times that people see
a web page or advertisement.
Inbound links Links to your web site from some-
one else’s.
Inclusion protocol A protocol that tells search
engines what they should include in their indexes
for your site.
Informed search Search that applies to a regular
search using directing properties.
Internal linking The links that lead from one page
to another within the structure of a single web site.
Invisible keyword stuffing Creating keywords
on a page that are made to be the same color as the
web page’s background to make them invisible to
people, but detectable to search crawlers.
JavaScript A system of programming codes,
created by Netscape, that can be embedded into
the HTML of a web page to add functionality.
JavaScript should not be confused with the Java
programming language. In general, script lan-
guages such as JavaScript are easier and faster
to code than more structured languages such as
Java and C++.
Keyword density The frequency with which
chosen keywords or phrases appear on a web page
compared to the other text on the page.
Keyword performance indicators Elements of
keyword performance that are used to weigh the
effectiveness of a given keyword.
Keyword poison Keywords that reduce the effec-
tiveness of the keywords with which you have cho-
sen to market your web site.
Keyword spamming The practice of overusing
keywords in an attempt to trick search engines into
ranking a web site better in search results.
Keyword stuffing Adding more keywords to a
web page, either in text or in the HTML tags, than
is appropriate.
Keyword testing A method of testing individual
keywords to learn which keywords are the most
effective for your marketing efforts.
Landing pages The web page to which visitors are
directed when they click through an advertisement.
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