SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
bread-crumb trail, 374
broad matches, 144
broken links, 374
buzz, 374

campaign management, Google AdWords,
click bots, 374
click fraud, 139, 148, 269–270, 374
click-through rate, 374
behavioral targeting and, 126
rates, improving, 147–149
cloaking, 187, 241
closing tags, 374
CMS (content management systems)
selecting, 189–190
SEO and, 190–191
when to use, 189
code jockeys, 54, 374
Combs, Brian, 295–297
competitive analysis, 275–276
competitive content, 179–181
constraint satisfaction search, 374
container tags, 374
content, 47–48
competitive, 179–181
content scraping, 181, 182
duplicate content, 55–56, 181–185
dynamic, 179
guidelines for creating, 180–181
licensed, 179
original, 179
resources, 354–355
SEO and, 178–179
social media and, 253

thieves, 56–57
viral content, 191
content management systems, 268, 374
content scraping, 181, 268–269, 374
content-rich doorways, 374
contextual targeting, 374
conversion analysis, 276–277
behavioral targeting and, 126
Google AdWords, 154
tracking, 140–143
cookies, 52, 374
behaviorial targeting and, 127
copyright infringement, 183–184, 374
cost per acquisition, 375
cost per click, 375
cost per conversion, 134, 375
CPA (cost per acquisition), 92
Crawl Frontier, 375
crawler-based engines, 34
crawlers, 7–8, 228–229
definition, 375
reasons not to allow, 229
cross-channel tracking, 375
Google AdWords, 154
cross-linking, 202–204, 241
CSS (cascading style sheets), 374

dangling links, 375
databases, 8, 375
dayparting, 145–147, 375
deep submission tool, 375
demographic targeting, 126, 375
density of keywords, 67–69
deprecated tags, 375
directories, 375. Seesearch directories
domain cloaking, 54–55, 375


B–D Index

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