rank management, 139
ranking, 9–10
redirect pages, 175–176, 241
registration services, 356–357
repetitive behavior, 128
retrieval, 9–10
return on investment, 377
robots, 7–8, 228–229, 377
meta tag, 232–233, 378
robot exclusion standard, 229–232, 377
ROI (return on investment), 115
behavioral targeting and, 126
PPC and, 149–150
RSS feeds, 355, 378
same site duplication, 182
scrape, 378
scraper bot, 378
scraper sites, 241, 378
search algorithms, 8–9, 378
search directories
edited, 375
free, 215–216
hybrid directories, 213, 376
major, 347–348
major players, 215
monitored, 377
overview, 212
paid, 215–216
search engine comparison, 212
secondary, 348–351
submission tools, 217–218
submitting to, 213–214
search engine spam
bait and switch, 187
cloaking, 187
doorway pages, 185–186
hidden links, 187–188
hidden text, 186
page jacking, 186
SEO oversubmission, 186
tiny text, 186
search engines, 4, 378
articles, 355–356
bans, 268–269
crawler-based, 34
human-powered, 34
hybrid, 34
major, 347–348
manipulating, 14–15
marketing resources, 355–356
meta search engines, 216, 352
optimization for
Google, 281–283
MSN, 284
Yahoo!, 284–285
overview, 5
primary, 11–13
search directory comparison, 212
secondary, 13, 348–351
submission tools, 217–218
targeted, 13
search profiling, 127, 378
search queries, 18, 378
search volumes, forecasting, 91–93
searche engine spam, 378
Boolean search techniques, 11
characteristics of, 11
constraint satisfaction searches, 374
forbidden search terms, 89–91
informed search, 376
list searches, 377
Long Tail of Search, 94
Index R–S
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