All of these are important aspects of your web site’s traffic patterns. And search engines will look for
elements of interactivity to judge the value of your site to users. One goal of search engines is to pro-
vide value to users. Those users turn to the search engine for help in finding something specific.
Just as it’s important for your site to land high in the search results, it’s important for the search
engine to provide the information that a user seeks within the first page or two. Making the user
happy is one way search companies make their money. Another way is through the dollars that
advertisers will pay to have their pages ranked high in the search results or their advertisements
shown according to the keywords for which the user was searching.
In other words, search engine optimization is two-way street. It’s also a business, and search engine
companies are always trying to find ways to improve their business. For that reason, these elements,
and many others, are an essential part of search engine optimization.
Organic SEO is certainly not easy to achieve. One way to achieve it is to have a solid SEO plan that
outlines where you are and what needs to be added to your site design or content to make it more
visible to users. It also takes a lot of time and effort to create and implement the right SEO plan.
However, if you use your SEO plan as a stepping stone, even for organic SEO, you’ll stay focused
and eventually, you’ll achieve the search engine ranking that you’ve been working toward.
Creating an SEO Plan 2
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