
(coco) #1

2C:21.28c. The remainder of the monies collected must
be allocated to the general fund of the state. Id.

H. Investigative Interrogatories

This section gives the Attorney General authority to
issue in writing to serve upon any person, investigative
interrogatories requiring the person to answer and
produce material for examination. N.J.S.A. 2C:21-29a.
The Attorney General must first determine that there is
reasonable suspicion that a violation of the act is
occurring or has occurred or that it is in the public
interest an investigation be made. Id. This is the same
authority that the Attorney General was granted in a
racketeering investigation. The person who is served with
such a demand may seek an order modifying or setting
aside the interrogatories asserting any constitutional or
other legal right or privilege that the person may have.
N.J.S.A. 2C:21-29b; see also N.J.S.A. 2C:41-5.



This statute, enacted in 1995, makes it a third degree
crime for a person who knowingly does not possess a
license to practice dentistry, or knowingly has had the
license suspended, revoked, or otherwise limited by an
order entered by the New Jersey State Board of Dentistry,

a. engage in the practice of dentistry;

b. exceed the scope of practice permitted by a board

c. hold himself out to the public or any person as
being eligible to engage in the practice of dentistry;

d. engage in any activity for which such license is a
necessary prerequisite, including, but not limited to, the
ordering of controlled dangerous substances or
prescription legend drugs from a distributor or
manufacturer; or

e. practice dentistry under a false or assumed name
or falsely impersonate another person licensed by the
board. N.J.S.A. 2C:21-30.



A. Definitions

“Immigration consultant” is defined as any person
rendering services for a fee, including the completion of
forms and applications, to another in furtherance of that
person’s desire to determine or modify his status in an
immigration or naturalization matter under federal law.
N.J.S.A. 2C:21-31a(1).

“Immigration or naturalization matter” is defined as
any matter which involves any law, action, filing or
proceeding related to a person’s immigration or
citizenship status in the United States. N.J.S.A. 2C:21-

“Immigration related document” is defined as any
birth certificate or marriage certificate, or any document
issued by the government of the United States, any
foreign country, any state, or any other public entity
relating to a person’s immigration or naturalization
status. N.J.S.A. 2C:21-31a(3).

B. Offenses

It is a fourth degree crime for an immigration
consultant not licensed as an attorney or counselor at law

  1. engage in this State in the practice of law; or

  2. hold himself out to the public, either alone or
    together with, by or through another person, regardless
    of whether that person is a licensed attorney, as engaging
    in or entitled to engage in the practice of law, or as
    rendering legal service or advice, or as furnishing
    attorneys or counsel, in any immigration or
    naturalization matter; or

  3. assume, use or advertise the title of lawyer or
    attorney at law, or equivalent terms, in English or any
    other language. N.J.S.A. 2C:21-31b.

It is a fourth degree crime to knowingly retain
possession of another person’s immigration-related
document for more than a reasonable time after its owner
has submitted a written request for its return. N.J.S.A.
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