A History of India, Third Edition

(Nandana) #1


  1. He benefited a great deal from discussions with Martin Brandtner, Kiel,
    while revising the first chapter. Dietmar Rothermund has written the
    introduction, chapters 5 to 8, and has also prepared the entire English
    version of the text. The present paperback edition has been thoroughly
    revised as far as the account of recent events, the bibliography and the
    chronology are concerned.
    The book does not have footnotes but the authors have provided a
    bibliography in which the works on which the text is based are listed.
    Notes referring to specific quotations included in the text are appended to
    the bibliography of the respective part of the book. For the transcription of
    Indian names and terms the authors have adopted the standard English
    style and have omitted diacritical marks.
    The general emphasis in this book is on the structural pattern of Indian
    history rather than on the chronology of events. Therefore, a chronological
    table, a detailed index and several maps have been appended to the text so
    that the reader can easily find references to names and events. (Maps 1 and
    12–14: D.Rothermund. Maps 2–11: H.Kulke.) The ancient and medieval
    periods of Indian history which are relatively neglected in historical atlases
    are highlighted in these maps whereas the latter periods are not covered in
    detail because the reader will find enough maps for these periods in the
    historical atlases which are readily available.

Kiel and Heidelberg, July 1997
Hermann Kulke
Dietmar Rothermund
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