Various organizations have provided financial support for this project.
The Cement and Concrete Association of New Zealand, the Steel
Construction Industry of New Zealand, the New Zealand Timber
Design Society and Victoria University of Wellington contributed towards
the first field-study costs in 1992. Their generosity, repeated for a sec-
ond trip in 2001, was supplemented by university summer research
grants before, between and after those trips. Victoria University also
funded the final field study to the USA in 2004.
I am most grateful for several research assistants who have brought
much to this work. Jim McKie and Virginia Jamieson were involved at
that delicate stage when the research was in its infancy and they were
followed by Greg Miller who assisted with the preparatory work for the
2001 study trip. Sam Martin and Katherine Bowron continued when the
book was taking shape, bringing the perspectives of senior architectural
students to bear on the chapter drafts. Katherine produced the
Numerous colleagues in the Schools of Architecture and Design have
made helpful contributions. Comments from Mark Taylor, Julieanna
Preston, Martin Hanley, Anna Kemble Welch, Christina McKay,
Elizabeth and Peter Russell, Geoff Thomas, Robin Skinner and George
Baird have helped improve and resolve the first two chapters, particu-
larly in their early stages. The advice of John Gray and Werner
Osterhaus, and the assistance of the Schools of Architecture and
Design library staff has also been greatly appreciated. Paul Hillier and
Ella Reed of the photographic section have worked with hundreds of
images while Peter Ramutenas and Brent Hardy have provided neces-
sary computer support.
Finally, thanks to my wife, Annette, for her support and encouragement
throughout the project.
Unless otherwise noted, photographs are by the author.
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