that reinforces the solid limestone masonry piers (Fig. 7.43). Specially
selected aggregates for the concrete blocks housing the nodes match
the colour of the surrounding stone blocks.
The School of Architecture, Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, illustrates less
refined detailing (Figs 7.44 and 7.45). An industrial quality pervades the
all-concrete-and-steel exposed structure. Consider the four steel
beams that span an internal atrium, partially occupied by a box-like
lecture theatre. Their unrefined cross-sections and longitudinal profiles
raise questions such as why their shapes have not been better inte-
grated with the saw-tooth roof form? However, this beam detailing
isconsistent with the basic quality of exposed steelwork elsewhere
whose galvanized surfaces are left unpainted. The standard of detailing
▲ 7.42 Refined roof truss detailing. ▲ 7.43 A post-tensioning node detail.
▲ 7.44 School of Architecture, Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, France,
Bernard Tschumi, 1999. Looking towards the main entrance.
▲ 7.45 Unrefined steel beams pass over a work-space atop the
lecture block inserted into the atrium.