outcome of the quest for lightness, delicacy, minimalism, and unobtrusive-
ness in structure.^18
While the designers tried to minimize the visual impact of most details,
one in particular stands out. In three locations, and most importantly
where the two arms of the L-shape meet in the corner and the roof
bulges beyond its normal barrel forms, additional tensile stiffening main-
tains the cylindrical geometry. Vertical fans of cables radiate upwards
from a central plate suspended high above the courtyard floor and held
in physical and visual equilibrium by an inverted V-shaped tension cable.
A stainless-steel plate whose roundedness echoes that of the vaulted
form above, its shininess, the fan-like layout of cables and intricacy of
connectors between plate and lower cable, all create an impression of
a necklace-like piece of jewellery (Fig. 7.69).
Having defined structural detailing as the configuration, shaping and fin-
ishing of members and their connections, the chapter explores how
detailing makes significant architectural contributions to buildings.
First, it examines the expressive and responsive nature of structural
detailing. An analysis of observed structural details suggests that most
express or respond to some aspect of the building of which they are
part. Examples illustrate details that relate to architectural form, build-
ing function, materiality and construction, and structural actions.
▲ 7.67 Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, France, Henri Labrouste, 1850. Curved iron
beams over the reading room.
▲ 7.68 Hamburg Museum Courtyard
Canopy, Hamburg, Germany, Von Gerkan,
Marg and Partner, 1989. General view of
the canopy.