Structure as Architecture - School of Architecture

(Elle) #1
skeletons finds expression in the arched spine-like truss of steel verte-
brae that spans the length of the main terminal building at Satolas
Airport, Lyons. Thrusts from the arch are transferred into the founda-
tions by zoomorphic shaped external buttresses (Fig. 9.12). Around the


▲9.9 Outdoor Activities Centre, Portsmouth, England,
Hampshire County Architects, 1995. Where the building is
approached from the car park in the background, the
partial or full disappearance of the wall panels suggests
a process like erosion.

▲9.10 Wohlen High School entry canopy, Switzerland, Santiago
Calatrava, 1988. Ribs cantilever from the main arch.

▲9.11 Feet-like base-plates to the
window mullions behind the canopy.

▲9.12 Terminal building, Railway Station at Satolas Airport, Lyons, France, Santiago
Calatrava, 1994. The central arched-spine and its supporting buttresses (during
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