The prophet (SA) of Allah stated: 'There is no joy better than good
inhisfuneralwith barefeet,asifhehadlostsomeonefromamonghis
own family.
The Prophet (SA)placed the dead bodyin the grave with his pious
handsandthencoveredit. The motherofS'ad whowasobserving the
Holy Prophet's (SA) respect for her son, addressed S'ad and said: 'O
S'ad'. enjoyParadise.'The Prophet(SA)of Allah toldher:'0 motherof
S'ad, donotsaythat,becauseS'adhas justexperienced DaghtatalQabr
(torment by way of compression in the grave etc). Later, when the,
Prophet (SA) was asked about the reason about Daghtat atQabr, the
Prophet (SA) replied: 'it was because he (S'ad) was maltreating his