Principles of Marriage and Family Ethics

(Chris Devlin) #1

jinn or human, until the time she returns (to her home).

This is the right of any husband which must be observed by their
It is better for them to a[low their wives to go out whenever possible.

atputting pressure ontheir wives, buta means of preventing women
from going to undesirable and unsuitable places.

Beingtoostrict,notonlyisnot useful,butmayaffectthefamilyrela-
tionship.oreven driveawomantowardsdisobedienceandcorruption.
Amanmust stophis wifefromgoingto corruptandunsuitableplaces
bands. A disobedient woman can be punished by her husband. Here
again the punishment should be carried out in stages.

A woman, however, can go out of the house on specific occasions
without her husband's permission andmen are not permitted to hurt
their wives in such cases:
(a)Goingoutofthehouseforlearning thenecessarycommandments
of religion.
(b)Goingoutof thehouseforHajjwhenshepossessesthenecessary
financial means and ability to perform Hajj.
repay without going out of the house.

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