Principles of Marriage and Family Ethics

(Chris Devlin) #1

Chapter 22

Do Not Pay Attention to Slanderous Talks

also a cause of much mischief It causes suspicion, pessimism, dishar-
sows the seed of discord among families. It separates men from their
wives and it could lead to homicide.

Unfortunately,thischaracteristicissowidespread amongthepeople
hear gossipingand backbiting.Especially, in awomen's gathering, the
elementof gossipisdominant.Whentwowomenmeet,they startgos-
siping. They talk slanderously of othersas ifit is acompetition. They
sometimes talk about their husbands, For instance, they discuss their
looks or jobs, and find fault with the other woman's husband.

Onewoman would blame the otherone for being married to,saya
mechanic or a shoemaker. If the husband is a driver she would say:
abutcher,shewouldsay: "Yourhusbandalwayssmells offat."Ifheis
not earning much, she would say: "How do you live with such little
money?Whydid youmarryhim?Isitnotapitythatyou,with sucha
riedanymanyouwished.Whydidyouchoose thisman?Hedoesnot
take you anywhere, not the cinema, not the theatre, nowhere.

with him? How could you, with all your education, marry a peasant?"

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