The Bible and Politics in Africa

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
O. Vengeyi, The Bible in the Service of Pan-Africanism

Sadc, has so far survived and been spared from the add-ons which the
MDC formations and their Anglo-Saxon sponsors have been spin-
ning...’.^64 But even after the Unity Government was formed, it is claimed
that the West continued to try to influence politics in Zimbabwe by
among other strategies; the setting up of parallel government struc-
tures,^65 and influencing SADC facilitator’s decisions such as what hap-
pened in Livingstone, Zambia.
For Mahoso, what happened in Cote d’ Ivoire, Libya and what nearly
happened in Zimbabwe as evidenced by the Livingston summit, has
been a result of Africans with white ‘no fly zones’ mentality, who be-
cause they are black they pretend to be Africans while in reality on the
basis of their minds, they are agents of the enemy. They are the prover-
bial wolves in sheep skins. Like Judas Iscariot who although he was
among the disciples of Jesus nevertheless sold out, African leaders who
collaborate with the West are traitors, the present day Judas Iscariots,
agents of the devil. He thus draws some criteria from the Bible of recog-
nising them. The story of King Solomon and the story of Judas Iscariot
are the models by which we can see and understand who belongs where.

The Solomons and the Judas Iscariots in African Politics

In the article devoted to analysing the situation in Cote d’ Ivoire during
the unrest caused by inconclusive elections 2010 and the role of the
mediators, Mahoso seeks to reveal the treachery in some so called ‘inter-
national’ mediators. His main focus was to show that the UN Security
Council is not a fair mediator but a tool of the powerful North Atlantic
nations to achieve their economic interests, which are intrinsically con-
nected to political interests. Mahoso begins the article as has become his
tradition, by an appeal to the Bible. This time he chooses the story about
two women who approached King Solomon for mediation (1 kgs 3:17-
27) as his port of entry into analysing African politics whose miniature is
the Cote d’ Ivoire case. And characteristically he uses the vernacular
Bible translation (version).

(^64) Mahoso, ‘Africans with white no fly zones mentality’.
(^65) Jonathan Moyo, ‘MDC-T’s parallel Government treacherous’. 15 September 2009.
(^66) Cf. Jonathan Moyo, ‘Similarities in Zuma, Morgan’s Reports’. Zimpapers. 09 April

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