The Bible and Politics in Africa

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Gathaka, The Bible and Democracy in Africa

place working checks and balances. Mugambi has introduced the theol-
ogy of reconstruction based especially in the book of Nehemiah as a
paradigm that Biblical scholars must explore if Africa has to emerge and
survive as a continent for the 21st century. While doing this African
Biblical scholars will not lose the principles that ‘First, African biblical
hermeneutics is predominantly interested in the historical and socio-
logical dimension of the biblical text. Second, African life interests are
consciously and explicitly a part of the interpretative process. Third,
African biblical hermeneutics is always aware of the ambiguous history
of the Bible’s arrival in Africa, and so is constantly attempting to assert
itself over against the dominant discourses of western, colonial and
imperialistic forms of biblical scholarship.’^66
Many African people will continue to look at the Bible as their guidance
on political matters. Some will however see it as promoting the monar-
chical rather than the democratic system of governance. Such a move-
ment is present in Swaziland. The author does not hold that democracy
is the only ideal of governance, however comparing the other forms like
monarchy or authoritarianism democracy seems to be best and should
be promoted.

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(^66) Gerald West, African Bible Hermeneutics and Bible Translation, in Jean-Claude Loba-
Mkole and Ernst R. Wendland, Interacting with Scriptures in Africa; Acton Publ.,
Nairobi, 2005, p 11.

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