The Bible and Politics in Africa

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

BiAS 7 – The Bible and Politics in Africa

mation could result even in the enemy beginning to doubt the authentic-
ity of its own intelligence agents.
One way to achieve the desired result would be to employ the services of
a double agent. While there are various factors leading one to join the
spy world, for example, ideological differences with one’s home country,
desire to be ‘important’, money or as a result of blackmail, one may end
up functioning as a double agent as a result of having been caught spy-
ing. While the agent may not know that his/her activities have been
uncovered, he/she is left to carry on with that work but it is ensured that
he/she gets access to false information and it is this false information
that he/she keeps feeding his/her controllers, being used thus by both
sides at the end. Others may actually know that their hidden activities
were uncovered but as a result of being threatened with a death sentence
or life imprisonment they may agree to turn into double agents. The
risk, however, of such people turning into triple agents remains high for
they may easily inform their controllers that they were caught and so the
controllers may task them to in turn supply misinformation back to the
One of the most successful and recorded cases of deception operation in
world history which involved the use of double agents was the one code-
named Operation Fortitude. Operation Fortitude was conducted by Al-
lied forces to mislead the Germans regarding the date and place of the
invasion which took place at Normandy in 1944. As reported by Grabi-
Wooden and cardboard airplanes, fake fuel depots and even dummy troops
were massed in southern England to make the Germans think the attack
would come from there, rather than at Normandy in the north. A completely
fictional U.S. Army group was created: FUSAG (First U.S. Army Group),
which even had General George Patton leading it. False radio traffic sup-
plemented the deception. The most important element, however, was the
misinformation provided to the Germans by double agents. Information
supplied by a double agent code-named Garbo convinced Hitler that the at-
tack would come from the south. To keep up the pretense and delay the ar-
rival of German reinforcements in Normandy as long as possible, the day of
the invasion even featured a fake landing force with loudspeakers playing
the sounds of a giant fleet moving across the English Channel, with radar-
reflecting balloons and metal strips dropped by planes creating the radar
signature of a large invasion. Once the attack at Normandy was underway,

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