Motivating your Mind - Inspiring your Spirit 2014 e-Book

(WallPaper) #1

Julie Cross Hello Fear, I feel you Now get out of my Way!.........

I have a son ‘Living with Autism’, and we accept that if there is a label, it must be real and it does come with
challenges, but I get even more surprised by how many people are 'Living with Fear'.

It is not a recognised disorder, no medication is prescribed, yet fear can certainly immobilize people and prevent them
from living their best and enjoying a very bright life!

Did you know that in 2014 there will be new friends not made, songs not sung, dances not danced, dreams not
realised and goals not achieved?

There will be laughs not laughed, questions not asked, speeches not made, plans not laid, parties not attended, rooms
not entered into, there will be opinions not stated and status updates not written!

There will be sales not achieved, jobs not applied for, hairstyles never tried, sequins never worn, poems never penned
sex not had, love not experienced, places not travelled, adventures not had, mistakes not made and failures not
learned from.

Why do we let fear have that kind of control over us and our life? And at the end of life I am fairly certain that we will
not say, ‘I am so glad I never got on the dance floor that night’ or ‘I’m so glad I never travelled to India like I always
wanted too’ or ‘I’m so glad I never lived my purpose, followed my dream or fulfilled my vision’.

What are we scared of? What? For many it seems it is the fear of failure or making a mistake and the only reason
we would fear this is because we place more importance on the opinion of the people around us than our own
opinion of ourselves.

When we look at a baby, we see a miracle with unlimited possibilities. We see perfection and beauty and it is easy to
dream a big dream for this baby. Well you were that baby and people looked at you and saw the same thing. We just
grew up that's all!

When you first tried to walk, you fell over a number of times before you got it right. Perhaps you hit you head, hurt
yourself more than once and yet you persisted until you got it right. Not once did you think of giving up or labelling it a
‘failure’, you just knew you had to keep correcting, getting stronger until you got it right. You just walked right through
the fear without giving it a thought!

So, let’s remember what we already know!

Next time fear stops by, let’s go to the mirror and look at it and say to ourselves;

"Fear, I see you, I feel you but I am moving through you, because what I think of myself is
far more important than what other people think. I have one life to live and I am not
getting out of here alive, so get the hell out of my way because I’ve got some living to

Go for it ... introduce your fears to courage and then let courage allow your new life to shine!

Julie Cross PM is a keynote speaker based near Brisbane, Australia who mentors within
organisations inspiring individuals to be their best by taking action to get the results they
want. Described as an inspirational entertainer with a life changing and empowering
message, Julie has been acknowledged by mentors and peers with numerous awards
from the National Speakers Association of Australia.
[email protected] | +61 0 4 14 451 512

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