Motivating your Mind - Inspiring your Spirit 2014 e-Book

(WallPaper) #1

Rob Edwards What will be your Most Important Asset in 2014?.........

There is one absolute certainty for your business in 2014 ... you and the people you engage will be the most important
assets and the keys to your success. Yeah, that’s obvious!

But in the pace of modern business it’s easy to forget that people’s well-being is the essential ingredient for living the
life they want. Our effectiveness personally and professionally, depends largely on our well-being, attitude and how
we feel.

They are prerequisites for sustained high performance. Statistics abound that on average, we don’t look after
ourselves as well as we could or should and it costs us big time! Medibank Private research suggests that Australian
business is losing more than $30 billion annually due to poor employee health directly or in presenteeism.

Think about that figure – it is nearly the cost of the proposed Australian National Broadband Network lost every year!

Your well-being will be the make or break of your business and everything else you value. Looking after and getting
the most out of ourselves, personally and professionally, is usually about the small stuff. Easy, sustainable actions
within reach of all of us, actions that simply allow us to live the life we want to live.

2014 will be a busy and demanding year ... for most of us, we like it that way. So don’t forget your most important

asset in the year ahead ....YOU!

Try this: Lock in a twenty minute meeting with the most important person in your life -YOU! Find a quiet time and
place, make yourself a cup of coffee, tea, pour a wine or beer then ponder the following questions with a pen, pad or

What do you value the most in your life? Think about it. What aspects of your life are most important to you? Are
they health, family, relationships, finance, environment, making a difference, vacations, car, etc.?

On the left side of a page write down the four or five most important aspects of your life. To the right of each point
give it a rating out of ten. How well are you achieving in that part of your life? How satisfied are you with your balance
out of 10?

What is the important stuff in your life that you are putting off until tomorrow? In particular what are the relatively
easy things you can or should be doing? The things that you know will help you live the life you want to live. Write
down the three to five things that you have been putting off “until tomorrow”.

Who are the most important people in your life? Write down their names. Okay, now invest a few minutes
considering what you have written. It’s a good platform for what you might do next. Does it bring to mind goals you
might set for yourself for 2014? If so, then write them down.

Take it a step further and check out the link below - it’s free. You will find a quirky and quite personal method of
embedding the goals in your life. It also includes some simple examples (re: exercise, relationships, alcohol) -- you’ll
get the drift. Enjoy.

That page is for a workshop not advertised on our website. The workshops are only offered as an option after my
seminars “Live Well – Be Your Best” or “Live Well to Sell Well”. This page is not a reflection of the content of those

Lastly, a bunch of health tips for you to enjoy your year ahead -

Rob Edwards CSP is The Health Presenter. His conference and in-house seminars
create memorable moments that motivate people to look after their most
important asset. Rob can contacted at: +61 2 8003 4143 or e-mail
[email protected] or visit
or Rob’s other passion at

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