Motivating your Mind - Inspiring your Spirit 2014 e-Book

(WallPaper) #1

KAREN HILLENS 5 Top Tips to Create a Winning Workplace

Here’s something to shock the socks off any business owner: more than 70 percent of Australian workers are
disengaged at work. That means most employees are unmotivated and couldn’t care less about their employers’
mission. And it’s costing our economy around $54.8 billion each year.

Do your people like coming to work? And are they treated well? Building a better business is all about keeping your
top talent happy, so they stick around and sing your praises. That’s good for business and your brand, because greater
productivity means greater profitability.

What makes a great workplace?

Skills shortage or not, a workplace with a great culture will always thrive. An awesome work environment is
one where:

  • People are respected and valued

  • People feel good about going to work

  • Managers seek feedback from their teams and
    implement great ideas

  • People can take ownership of their goals and career

How to create a winning work culture

Transforming your business into a great place to work isn’t hard.
So it’s surprising that so many workers are unhappy.

Here are 5 top tips to turn frowns into smiles:

  1. Seek feedback: Use an anonymous survey, such as the STAR Workplace program, to identify issues and
    provide your people with a confidential platform to share their suggestions and struggles. If you don’t ask,
    you won’t know.

  2. Collaborate on culture: Get your people involved in crafting a clear and compelling company culture.
    They’re then more likely to see work as a place to satisfy their purpose in life. And when workers’ objectives
    align with the company culture, their attitude and output soars.

  3. Add great perks: Do your people want weekly yoga classes? More social dinners? A relaxing retreat area or
    more salary sacrificing options? Ask what would make work a better place to be and then action it.

  4. Start a mentor program: Ensure your workers don’t feel forgotten. Team them up with a mentor who can
    check in to see what’s motivating or frustrating them. Offer training and development to add to their skill
    set. Valued workers are happier, healthier and more productive workers.

  5. Celebrate: Whether it’s a birthday, work anniversary or hitting individual or team targets, celebrate it. We
    all like to feel significant and appreciated for our efforts. Then if your staff enjoy coming to work and
    consider their colleagues as friends, you’re well on your way to creating a knockout company culture.

Karen Hillen is an employee relations specialist and a
Certified HR Coach with a Diploma in Human Resource
Management. Karen offers insights into creating a positive
and productive workplace. With empathy and professionalism, Karen and GTK can help you
navigate your HR processes, so that your people and your business thrive. Sydney, Australia
based. email: [email protected] or visit
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