Motivating your Mind - Inspiring your Spirit 2014 e-Book

(WallPaper) #1



You would have heard that great definition of insanity: “Doing what you did yesterday and expecting a different

I agree – it’s crazy! We need to DO different to BE different. We need to Evolve! The BEST Question is: Who do we
need to Become, to exist easily and successfully in the World we choose to Create?

And how do I get my Team to come along with me? Well ... here are this behavioural scientist’s answers:

  1. Understand that Evolution hurts. There is an inbuilt part of our brain which is absolutely dedicated to preserving
    homeostasis – the status quo. Anything that threatens current comfort is resisted. This clever reptilian brain is just
    trying to protect us from imbalance. It hasn’t realized we’re in the 21st century and if we DON’T evolve we’ll die.

  2. Remember that when it’s somebody else’s idea it will be resisted. We resent that other people seem to feel they
    know what’s good for us more than we do, right? Unfortunately many improvement initiatives are initially
    inspired by an external source. Ask your team – do we share the same goals? Are we happy for this to become
    OUR idea? How can you authentically take ownership to do it YOUR way?

  3. Recognise that as we evolve, other people in our lives might become uncomfortable, wanting things to stay the
    same. So if we embrace any change, we may not be able to embrace them anymore. That could need some
    negotiation with them.

  4. Realise that if you want me to change or evolve, it actually shakes my self-concept to the core. I form my identity,
    my worldview, my core belief system which drives all my responses, behaviours and actions, quite early in my life.
    It creates my orientation. If anything happens to alter that, I become a displaced person. Even if it’s only
    momentary, it requires an adjustment on my part. That’s hard work. If I have to do it too often, I can become
    quite disoriented and dysfunctional. How can I possibly perform at my peak if I don’t know who I am?

  5. And some of your people will like things just the way they are. Maybe they’re not perfect. But if we change things,
    they could be worse!

These reactions are common. They’re almost universal. They can get in the way of almost every improvement you
want to implement in your business or your personal life. What do you need to do to manage them?

Use the BEST© Evolution Formula:

Build the vision. Get it strong, big, bright, clear, moving, real. Discuss all the positive effects. Know the value.
Ensure there is 100% ownership and support.

Establish the power. We are very powerful. We can stay and grow, or we can run and hide. We can choose to
make a difference and we can choose to be different. We own our responses.

Select an action. Any action is better than none. Action provides feedback. The whole process may not be
clear – and probably can’t be. We won’t know all the answers in advance.

Take a step. With courage, acknowledging any risk and ensuring its safe. With encouragement.
Every step takes us somewhere. Check the results with the vision and keep walking the
BEST Steps.

Success strategies are simple. Think of how we order our food! You know what you want. You assume you can have it.
You ask for it, or go and get it. You know that you will have it and it arrives.

Let’s use the same process for a Successful Evolution throughout 2014.

Catherine Palin-Brinkworth, CSP Global, Masters Applied Science, Fellow of the Australian
Institute of Management, Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2003 to
2004 Global Speakers Federation International President. A renowned business speaker,
facilitator, author and mentor, Catherine has built countless high performing teams and
leaders. For a no obligation chat, phone her at +61 419 221 916 or

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